Lisa Teasley on Fluid


Photo: John Vlautin

September 26, 2023. This week Bibliocracy Radio features the author of the new short story collection Fluid, Lisa Teasley. In Fluid, we find fluidity in nearly every manifestation: syntax, voice, character, plot and consciousness. The writing in these short stories is vivid and surprising if with an internal logic and a confidence that apprehends, portrays, sometimes rearranges the facts and fictions of our shared world, sometimes a strangely obscured then dramatically revealed world. Place and perspective and history and identity shift, in shape and in dimension, and all with a syntax and poetry and smooth narrative which both creates puzzles and then solves them.  Set in Los Angeles, Namibia, North Carolina, Las Vegas, and beyond, each story fully occupies and engages its locale, with an eclectic and representative cast of characters.

Lisa Teasley is an artist and writer, and the author of three previous volumes, Dive, Heat Signature and Glow in the Dark.  For more on her work, as an editor, essayist, artist, and poet, check out her website. Fluid is published by Cune Press.

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